

Dumbbell Shrugs
Probably the best traps movement of all time, the dumbbell shrug, when properly performed, targets the entire traps, from the upper to lower regions. Be sure to keep the elbows behind the body, rather than to the front, to work all three sections of the trapezius. To perform, shrug dumbbells as high as possible as if to touch shoulders to earlobes, squeeze hard at the top, and slowly lower, feeling the negative all the way down.

Behind the Back Barbell Shrugs
An excellent all-round trap builder (and a favorite of eight-time Mr. Olympia Lee Haney), this movement builds complete trapezius size and shape. To perform, grasp a barbell with an overhand grip from behind the back (rest bar on bench and bend at the knees until bar can be grabbed). Move bar further back a fraction to avoid contacting the backside and pull bar as high as possible without bending the arms. Squeeze at top and slowly lower to starting position.

Close Grip Barbell Upright Rows
Adopting a close grip and keeping upper arms parallel to the ground, pull bar to nose-level and forcefully contract the traps, before lowering bar to starting position. This movement hits the upper traps and the hard to reach frontal trap area above the clavicle region.

Wide Grip Dumbbell Upright Rows
Another upper trap builder, this movement allows for a greater range of motion on the upward phase. Not employed specifically to target the upper traps, as is the close grip barbell version, it nevertheless puts tremendous pressure on this area and the middle trapezius region. Begin with dumbbells at your sides with palms facing back, pull weights to just below the front deltoid region, and squeeze traps. Slowly lower to starting position.

Note: with all traps movements, maintain the momentum, in a controlled fashion, from the beginning of the set to the end. No swinging and no resting at the bottom of the movement (though a slight squeeze and pause is to be achieved at the top). If the weight you are using forces you to rest at the bottom, drop down to lighter dumbbells and continue the set until the prescribed rep range is achieved.

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